Sontoku is a short film with graphic animation that seeks to evidence the virtues of overcoming, perseverance and the unselfish spirit of a young orphan that has changed the course of a country, based on the real story of Kinjiro Ninomiya.
The film aims to present to Brazil and to the world the trajectory of Kinjiro Ninomiya, from his childhood, with great trials, going through a difficult adolescence and a lot of work, reaching a prosperous phase, moments before starting his walk in the restructuring of Japan.
The script reflects on a character who has always shown a lot of virtue throughout his life, always hardworking, patient, persevering, austere, kind, dedicated to non-waste, never seen complaining of something whose image was immortalized in statues in Japanese schools , like a boy walking and carrying firewood on his back as he read. By all virtues presented, Kinjiro, after his death, received the nickname of Sontoku, that means “the virtuoso”.
SONTOKU has a daring and challenging proposal by presenting a true Japanese hero to a world in crisis (economic, political and moral values), Showing that his methods are effective even today.
Inspired by biographies of Sontoku Ninomiya and historical animes, the film used techniques that blend drawings with realistic animé touches with watercolor-like styles as the character enters their thoughts and memories.